32nd Conference Scholarships
WHA World Scholar Travel Fund
The WHA invites applicants to apply for the World Scholar Travel Fellowship. This fund enables the primary recipient to attend with round-trip air fare and conference registration paid by the WHA. Additional funding may or may not be available; that will be determined at a later date. If there is a secondary recipient, the WHA will fund their registration and conference accommodations. Priority is given to conference attendees residing outside North America who do not have travel funding from their home institutions. All possible attempts at securing other funding should be made prior to applying for the fellowship.
The World Scholar Travel Fellowship is offered on a competitive basis. Eligibility for the fellowship is based on acceptance by the Conference Program Committee of an individual paper, whether or not part of an organized panel, or a poster for the poster session. No person who has received a travel fellowship in a previous year may apply for another fellowship. Applicants must be willing to apply for and finance their own visas to the conference site.
Applicants must include the following: 1) CV (two pages maximum); and 2) a statement of no more than 250 words describing economic need and how the applicant would benefit from attending the annual meeting. Fellowships are awarded by a selection committee appointed by the WHA President.
The application deadline is February 15, 2023. Applications for the World Scholar Travel Fund should be submitted directly to the Executive Director <info@thewha.org>.
NERWHA WHA Travel Grant
The New England Regional World History Association is now accepting applications for its WHA Travel Grant, which offers two $500 travel grants meant primarily for college-level adjuncts. Adjuncts who are NERWHA members are given first priority, although other applications are still eligible. You can become a member here: https://www.nerwha.org/.
In order to apply, please send a single MS Word document to the WHA Executive Director (info@thewha.org) with the following:
- 1) a brief statement of your need;
- 2) a travel budget with all sources of funding indicated;
- 3) a one-page CV;
- 4) a copy of the abstract/proposal that you presented to the WHA.
The deadline for applications is February 15, 2023.