World History Connected Book Prize

The World History Connected (WHC) Book Prize recognizes publications of outstanding value to both research and teaching in the field of world history.


The World History Connected (WHC) Book Prize has been created in 2023 to recognize publications of outstanding value to both research and teaching in the field of world history.  Rooted in the mission of WHC journal, this new prize is being funded through the generosity of Professor Emeritus and former WHA President, Marc Jason Gilbert. The prize committee includes Dr. Cynthia Ross of Texas A&M University-Commerce (chair), Dr. Kerry Ward of Rice University, and Dr. Aims McGuinness of UC-Santa Cruz.

The winner of the WHC Book Prize will receive $500.  Formal bestowal of this prize is made at the WHA annual meeting, normally held in June or July.  A one-year membership in the WHA and a certificate will also be included with the prize.

Award stipulations: Works (articles, monographs, books, etc.) published in the last year or that have been submitted for consideration in a peer-reviewed journal in the last year are eligible for submission.

To submit, please send entries to each member of the committee at the following addresses:

Dr. Cynthia Ross, Chair

Texas A&M University-Commerce

Department of History

2200 Campbell Street / P.O. Box 3011

Commerce, TX 75429


Dr. Kerry Ward

Associate Professor

History Department - MS42

Rice University

P.O. Box 1892

Houston, TX 77251-1892



(To send materials to Dr. McGuinness via USPS mail/package, please use the following address).

Dr. Aims McGuinness

UC Santa Cruz History Department

Mailstop: Stevenson Academic Services

1156 High Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95064


(To send materials to Dr. McGuinness via FedEx and UPS, please use the following address).

Dr. Aims McGuinness

UC Santa Cruz History Department

Stevenson College Academic Building

Room 278

Santa Cruz, CA 95064


If mailing internationally places undue hardship on the author, electronic copies may be accepted.

Submissions due April 1st of each year.


About World History Connected

World History Connected (, ISSN 1931-8642, is a grant-supported open-sourced, double-blind peer reviewed affiliate of the World History Association. It serves as a means of creating community among all those devoted to research and teaching world history. Not every article “connects” or bridges these twin objectives, but published reviews have judged this e-journal successful in achieving its dual goal in supporting and disseminating globally both archivally based research and the scholarship of teaching. Over the course of its existence, it has been guided by world historians devoted to providing publication opportunities in the field, and where needed, assisting scholars to meet the highest standards for accessible writing, referencing, formatting, and whether their articles are, or is not, accepted for publication. Its editorial staff includes recent presidents of the World History Association and distinguished Advanced Placement and Master Teachers, none of whom are paid for their service.


Past Recipients


Winner: Chelsea Schields, Offshore Attachments: Oil and Intimacy in the Caribbean (University of California Press)


Winner: Jamie Martin, The Meddlers: Sovereignty, Empire, and the Birth of Global Economic Governance (Harvard University Press)

Honorable Mention: Tom Taylor, Modern Travel in World History (Routledge)




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