Vol. 25, No. 1 – Spring 2009

  • Letter From the Executive Director 1
    Minutes of the WHA Business and Executive Council Meetings, January 2-3, 2009 2
    List of WHA Affliates 4
    WHB Focus Issue & Teaching Forum, Guest Editor – Dorothea A. L. Martin, Appalachian State University 6
    East-West Stimulus and Response: The [Cotton] Fabric of the Modern World, by Dorothea A. L. Martin, Appalachian State University
    Motivations for the “Westernization” of Meiji Japan: A Sin of Omission in World History Survey Textbooks, by Masah-o Racel, Kennesaw State University
    Chinese Intellectuals’ Ordeal: The Anti-Rightist Campaign of 1957 Revisited, by Peng Deng, High Point University
    Southeast Asia in World History, by Paul A. Rodell, Georgia Southern University
    Family Law as Metaphor in Colonial Politics: A Helpful Tool in World Historical Analysis, by Pamela Mc Vay, Urslrline College
    Architecture and Visual Literacy: Reading the Indian Colonial Built Environment, by David A. Johnson, Appalachian State University, and Nicole F. Gilbertson, University of California Irvine 21
    Central Eurasia in World History: An Annotated Resource Guide, by R. Charles Weller, Asia Research Associates 24
    Teaching World History in an Indian Classroom, by James Gerlde, Woodstock School (Uttarakhand, India) 27
    The Kushans in World History, b,v Craig Benjamin, Grand Valley State University 30
    Book Reviews, Book Review Coordinator – Peter Dykema, Arkansas Tech University 30-39

Volume 25, no. 1 - Spring 2009


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