- Minutes of the WHA Business Meeting, January 8, 2010 4
Minutes of the WHA Executive Council Meeting, January 7, 2010 5
WHB Focus Issue and Teaching Forum — Guest Editors – Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall and Michael G. Vann 9
Making French Connections: France in World History, by Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall, California State University – San Marcos, and Michael Vann, Sacramento State University 9
Domesticating the “Queen of Beans”: How Old Regime France Learned to Love Coffee, by Julia Landweber, Montclair State University 10
Teaching about the French Colonies in North America, by Sara Chapman, Oakland University 13
Teaching the French Revolution from the Inside Out: Views from Egypt and the Caribbean, by Melissa K. Byrnes, Southwestern University 16
“Is This Tocqueville or George W. Bush?” Teaching French Colonialism in Southern California After 9/11, by Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall, California State University – San Marcos 18
Teaching Colonialism in World History: The Case of French Indochina, by Michael G. Vann, Sacramento State University 24
Civil Rights Meets Decolonization: Transnational Visions of the Struggle for Racial Equality in France and America, by Tyler Stovall, University of California – Berkeley 26
Germaine Tillion: ATwentieth-Century Life in World History, by Julia Clancy-Smith, University of Arizona 31
Book Reviews, Book Review Coordinator – Peter Dykema, Arkansas Tech University 38
Textbooks and Films, Facts and Problems: Linking Visual Literacy and Critical Thinking in the World History Survey, by James De Lorenzi, CUNY John Jay College 49
The World in Relation to What? by Carl Post, Essex County College 51
Women’s Professionalization as an Entrance into the Public Space in Ukraine:AHistorical Retrospective, by Alissa Tolstokorova, Kiev (Ukraine) 59